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Greystanes High School

Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

Bring your own device

At Greystanes High School technology is valued in teaching and learning.

Technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives, and students who are offered the opportunity to use technology in appropriate and relevant ways to support their learning are better prepared for the future. 

At Greystanes High School we have a mandatory BYOD program with all year groups. We have selected a BYOD model that bests suits our school context, whereby students will required to purchase or bring a device from home that meets the set of specifications determined by the school (attached).

Students will be able to use devices in the classroom under the direction and guidance of the teacher to complete classwork and assignments, access electronic copies of textbooks in some subjects and use the Internet to access online resources, class sites (eg Google Classroom) and the DEC internet. The focus of BYOD is the use of technology to enhance learning and engagement in the classroom. This does not mean that student devices will be used every day in every lesson. Like any other learning tool the use of the device will depend upon the particular learning activity and this is at the discretion of the teacher or as directed by the subject's program. Use of student electronic devices will blend with other activities such as reading, writing, discussion, debate, group activities and assessment. The use of the student electronic device will vary from day to day.

All students and parents will be required to read the school BYOD Student Agreement and Charter before a device can be used at school. Note that choosing to bring a personal device to school implies that the student and their parent/carer accept the agreement and charter.

It is important that students and parents are aware of the following essential responsibilities before they decide to participate in the BYOD program.

- Students are responsible for securing and protecting their own devices at school. Students and their parents/caregivers are responsible for arranging their own insurance if desired and should be aware of the policy and warranty conditions for their own device. The school does not accept responsibility for any loss or breakage.

- Students are solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their devices. This includes the backing up of data and updating of applications including anti-virus software. Any loss or damage to a device is not the responsibility of the school or Department.

- Students' devices may be confiscated and returned to parents if the school has reasonable grounds to suspect that a device contains data which breaches the BYOD student user agreement.

- Only devices that meet the required specifications can be used at school (see school specifications sheet).

Students in all year groups are expected to bring an approved device to school every day.

Students can pick up a copy of the BYOD charter and the student agreement from the library or click on the link below to access it. It is important that the charter and student agreement are read thoroughly and understood. This must occur prior to students connecting their device. 

Download and view: 

Digital citizenship

Being respectful, responsible and an active learner online students should be good digital citizens when online. Visit the Smartcopying website for further information.