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Greystanes High School

Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

Positive behaviour for learning

At Greystanes High School behaviour is managed using the positive behaviour for learning (PBL) model.

This model based around our three core values:

  • respect

  • responsibility

  • active learning.

Positive behaviour for learning at Greystanes High School continues to inspire respect, responsibility and active learning. The PBL program aims to improve social and learning outcomes for students, teachers and the school community. It does this by setting achievable behavioural standards for students and teachers, by identifying problems and explicitly teaching the students appropriate school and community behaviour.

Plan for active learning flowchart

To support students and teachers in the classroom a plan for active learning flowchart has been developed through extensive discussion with all members of staff and all students. This flowchart provides clear and simple strategies to deal with undesirable behaviours. It is placed in all classrooms around the school and is thus highly visible. One of the overriding aims of PBL is to ensure that common practice occurs and all students are treated equitably. Integral to the success of the PBL program is rewarding positive behaviour.

Merit system

Positive behaviours are reinforced with the merit system, where staff award students for demonstrating respect, responsibility and active learning. The merit system comprises of the Merit Award and Values award and are issued to students through the Sentral Portal.

Merit Awards are issued for excellent work or achievement, personal best achievement and school service. Values Awards are given to students during the school day for demonstrating the school’s values of respect, responsibility, and active learning.

All Awards contribute to school excellence and achievement awards which are presented to students on school assemblies.