Our school library is a multi-functional area that provides an environment that is conducive to future focused learning. The primary aim is to provide a quality service, a variety of resources and recreational activities.
Students have access to an extensive collection of print, audio and E-books. Other items include digital equipment such as two computer areas, laptops, iPads, green screen, virtual reality kit, scanner, colour printer and photocopier.
Students are encouraged to continue reading throughout high school. Whole school initiatives such as the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge and Book Week are widely promoted. Students can also borrow a variety of fiction and non-fiction throughout the year, including school holidays. Special collections such as HSC (Higher School Certificate) Success program allow easy access to resources.
Quick links
Oliver Library - Search the library catalogue for books and websites (includes our eBook collection). Oliver Library can be found in your student portal.
World Book Online - is an online encylopedia. Find thousands of current and reliable resources including articles, websites, videos and images.
ClickView Online - Access thousands of videos aligned with your subjects.