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Greystanes High School

Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

Learning support

The Learning Support Faculty take responsibility for the learning needs of individual students in all years.

Our aim is to promote self esteem, participation, confidence and challenge in learning for students with different and particular learning or support needs.

The faculty consists of 1.8 Learning and Support Teachers (LaST) and 5 Student Learning Support Officers (SLSO). The LaST provide in class support through team teaching, assistance with provisions in assessment tasks/exams and at times, where required, withdrawal of small group or individual students to develop their skills in a particular area. In addition to this, the faculty work and consult on a needs basis with a range of support agencies and specialist personnel in order to provide adequate teaching and learning strategies for individual student learning and support needs.

Consultation with parents/carers, student and necessary personnel is an important process to devise a Personalised Learning and Support Plan (PLASP). The purpose of the PLaSP is to support student success. It is prepared where the student's learning and support needs meet the broad definition of a disability as stated in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the functional impact of the student's learning and support need results in the school actively addressing the student's specific individual education needs.

As partners in the process, you gain valuable insight into your child's successes and challenges at school. Please contact the school to arrange a meeting regarding your child's learning and/or support need.

Related web-sites:

  • The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability.
  • The HSC minimum standard is part of an effort to improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes for students. From 2020, students in NSW will need to demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive their HSC.
  • Check in Assessment is an online assessment for students in Year 7, 8 and 9. Each assessment is designed to be quick and easy to administer, consisting of between 40 to 50 multiple choice questions in reading and numeracy.