Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

House groups

House groups meet with their house group teacher during House Group assemblies, enabling student-teacher interaction in a small, pastoral environment.

During this time the students take part in PBL learning. House group teachers can assist students in answering their questions about these school policies.

House groups are based on vertical groupings. This means that there are some students from every year in each house group, giving students the peer support of older students. Students from the same family are in the same house group. These aspects assist in ensuring effective pastoral care.

Our house group leaders for 2025

  • Bradman - Ms G Bellave (English staffroom)
  • Gilmore - Ms L Siuhengalu (CAPA staffroom)
  • Monash - Ms J Limbu (HSIE staffroom)
  • Parkes - Ms S Gurung (Learning Support staffroom)

The role of house group leaders is to:

  • monitor and improve student attendance
  • liaise with parents/guardians and teachers regarding student attendance
  • promote cross country, swimming and athletics carnivals
  • organise recognition of student excellence (ROSE) breakfasts
  • organise and run house group assemblies each term
  • encourage and build leadership skills and qualities within house captains.