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Greystanes High School

Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

Year 9 and 10

Students who select the Elective Visual Arts course complete 200 hours of Visual Arts across Years 9 and 10.

Elective Visual Arts 

They further extend upon the skills learnt during the mandatory course, exploring the Visual Arts of both past and present. The course focus is on independent art making practice.  Students are encouraged to participate, to respect each others' views, to visually communicate explored themes, and their own ideas.

Throughout this unit students are introduced to wide range of materials and techniques. These include drawing, ceramics, assemblage, painting, photography, digital illustration and sculpture. Students build upon the fundamentals of art to build problem solving, critical thinking and creative skills.

Students are required to explore a range of concepts through manipulating materials and experimentation to make a Body of Work. All classwork is recorded in a Visual Arts diary including documentation of artworks, ideas and reflective evaluations.

Photographic and Digital media 

Photographic and Digital Media is an elective class in Years 9 and 10. As a two-year course (200 hours), students start with basic skills in Digital Photography and Photoshop as an editing tool. Students also explore the history and development of photography over time, and how and why artists create a Body of Work.

Greystanes High School has a fully equipped darkroom, where students develop an understanding of 'wet photography' through the creation of photograms and enlargements of negative film. In the photo lab (computer room), students also have access to drawing tablets. Digital drawing and the development of their own style is encouraged in Year 10. Other units of work on offer are claymation, video and pinhole photography.

This course offers students an opportunity to be creative, learn new skills and make high quality imagery. Students are encouraged to develop their own style and imagery in relation to their research and interests. It also focuses on how artists create meaning in their work and how their work engages an audience.

For more information see the  NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) photographic and digital media syllabus for Years 7 to 10.

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