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Greystanes High School

Greystanes High School

Success smiles on effort

Telephone02 9631 9144

Merit award system

Gold merits, gold passes, loyalty cards or positive behaviour for learning (PBL) school values letters are given to students during the school day for demonstrating the school's values of respect, responsibility and active learning. The idea is for immediate and frequent reward and recognition of positive behaviour.

Here are some examples of possible positive behaviours that could be rewarded.


  • puts hand up and answers questions
  • listens attentively to teacher and other students
  • is fair and plays by sports rules.


  • assists teacher or other students
  • helps keep room or playground tidy
  • reports bullying or unsafe work environment.

Active learning:

  • voluntarily seeks and completes additional work
  • makes a clear effort to improve their understanding
  • diligently completes class or homework tasks.

Students will be given blank gold merits, gold passes or loyalty cards. Teachers will sign the relevant core value achieved. Once the gold merits, gold passes or loyalty cards have been completely filled, students will hand these to G block office where staff will record data and issue a new gold merit card, gold pass or loyalty card.

Green merit cards are given out to students in recognition of excellent work/performance (academic based class work, assignments, and exams) or for school service. Green merits are not meant to be used for behaviour modification. Students follow the award system through but are mainly rewarded for academic achievement or effort.

These are rewards for:

  • best in class/in cohort/or being on task
  • achievement at a certain level
  • personal best attempt in assignment.

Students then follow the award system for their stage up to the achievement award. The achievement and the bronze awards will be presented at house assemblies.

Higher awards

  • Silver award: To gain this award students must have earned 2 bronze awards and completed 10 hours of in-school community service in a school community program or event (such as an extra-curricular activity) or external community service (must be negotiated with relevant Deputy Principal)
  • Gold award: In Stage 4, students must have earned a silver award and completed 10 hours internal or external community service. In Stage 5 and 6, students must have earned a silver award and completed 10 external hours of community service.
  • Silver and gold awards will be presented at presentation night.

Here are some examples of school and community service. 

  • Night of Stars performing or assisting
  • Debating or public speaking
  • Examination reader/writer
  • Peer support
  • Volunteering at parent-teacher night, Year 12 mocktails waitressing, hall crew
  • Grade or KO sports assistant
  • Library monitor
  • Community Service examples 
  • Volunteer work
  • Tutoring
  • Local sporting events helper
  • Helping at a nursing home
  • Charity work/fundraising

A log sheet tracking a minimum of 10 hours of service must be completed and signed by an independent person (not family). These sheets can be picked up at G block office. Please note that all merits, gold merits, silver and bronze awards are valid for two years by Stages (such as Stage 4, Stage 5, and Stage 6).

Merit award system flowchart

Download and view our merit system flowchart (PDF 278KB).

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